I stride away from the burning ruins of the villa, the young woman on the other end of the rope in my grip struggling to dig her feet into the path. With a tug I pull the former handmaiden towards me, turning as she falls to the ground and then moving to stand over her.
"You're mine now girl. Forget your past life." She's wide-eyed as I growl at her, fear written plainly across her face, and I tug again on the rope. "Up."
She pulls slightly on the rope, trying only to loosen it from around her neck, and slowly rises. I turn away with a grunt after a second and then yank briskly on her leash, resuming my march towards where the company had left the horses.
Titus of the Royal Guard had led us against the villa, the property of a noble holding treacherous feelings towards his king, and had been at the fore as we charged towards the complex. The noble was now on the run, fleeing during the short battle with nothing but the clothes on his back, and each of us were allowed loot from his villa as payment. His pretty wife is destined for the king's harem but I was able to catch my new slave, spiriting her out as the villa began to burn.
I don't ask her name until I'm tying her to my horse and her tone is questioning when she says Kassandra, clearly no stranger to the practice of masters renaming their slaves. There are ancient legends of a woman in my homeland with such a name though, an oracle whose prophecies were ignored, and I decide to let her keep it. She wraps her arms around me as we ride for the nearby town of Carbondum, I'm careful to make sure all of my blades are beyond her reach, and I enjoy the sensation of having her plump breasts pressed against my back.
Kassandra shrinks into me when we arrive at the stables on the western edge of Carbondum, feeling hungry eyes on her scantily-clad form, and I have a hand on my sword as I lead her onto its streets. It's a short walk to the tavern I call home when in Carbondum and I feel Kassandra noticeably relax when we enter. Smoke writhes up into the darkened rafters, the smell of roasted meat clings to every surface. A pale-skinned northern girl is dancing nude on the stage in one corner, using shadows and smoke as concealment, while her sister is nimbly twisting around grabbing hands as she serves patrons.
I shepherd Kassandra through the crowd to the backrooms, watching the dancer's face light up with excitement when she spots me, and walk through the doorway as a loud orgasmic moan rolls out across the main chamber. I pull Kassandra into an empty bedroom as we pass, ripping away the thin tunic she wears, and then shove her onto the bed, untying the knots that keeps my own tunic up.
She twists as she fell, eyes going as wide as plates when she sees my unclothed frame, and I grin when her mouth opens slightly upon seeing a particular part of me. A glint of lust enters her gaze despite everything but I roll her onto her stomach before impaling her, driving my flesh-spear as deeply as it will go. Kassandra is hot and tight around me, ill-suited for being a lady's handmaiden, and I groan as I have to force my length in.
I glance at the polished metal sitting above the headboard to see that Kassandra's mouth has fallen open, her eyes have grown wide. I saw her previous master during the battle, was impressed by what I saw, and am amazed that he hasn't stretched her. Poor girl. Withdrawing until just my tip is inside I suddenly jerk forward. She lets out a silent scream, shifting to try to curl up, but I grab her by the waist and hold her in place, slowly stroking back and forth.
Her cry of orgasm is muffled and I pause for a second, feeling her inner muscles ripple along the length of my member. I glance behind me as the room's door quietly creaks and grin as the dancer climbs onto the bed, squashing her breasts into me.
"Good fuck?"
I turn so I can kiss the dancer, a bruising and dominant kiss like I know she loves, and the motion makes Kassandra moan.
"Lovely fuck but you're better Syrenia. The count didn't know what was under his roof though."
Syrenia breaks free from the kiss with a heavy pant but then preens as I compliment her.
I pull out of Kassandra, finally letting her shrink into a tight ball, and swivel on my knees, grabbing Syrenia in a strong hug. She squeals but melts into my embrace, eagerly shifting until she's straddling me, and then lowers herself onto my still-hard length. Syrenia isn't as tight as Kassandra, what do you expect from a whore, but she almost instantly puts her experience to use, riding me with quick rocking motions.
Between Kassandra and Syrenia I'm close to release and Syrenia's rocking becomes rougher as she senses my climax approaching, my balls churning. With a grunt I explode, shooting thick spurts deep into her. It triggers for Syrenia an orgasm of her own, the whore mewling as pleasure overtakes her, and she slumps forward, breasts flattening against my chest.
After a moment I push her to one side, she lands on the bed with a slight bump, and then stand, feeling my muscles protest as I stretch. Putting a slave in their place is tiring work.
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