
All characters referenced within this blog are 18+ unless explicitly stated otherwise. All content contained within this blog is wholly fict...

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Coffee with a Lot of Cream

Carl watched the rest of the small cafe, eyes flicking from between all the women he was sharing the room with. He was large but currently his slouching posture hid the dangerous energy he normally exuded. His roving gaze slowed as a young woman sat at a nearby table, he discretely looked on as she pulled a stack of books from her bag and arranged them in front of her. He could see one of the titles, How To Get and Hold a Man, and from that he guessed the others were on similar subjects. Such a problem faced nearly all women in the new age, when lust had replaced love and any feminine hole was there for a man's taking. The concept stuck in his head, bouncing round as he observed her flip open a book and start reading. He watched a slender-fingered hand reach out and curl around a cup, one finger obscuring the word Emily, and followed the cup as it rose to touch plump lips, licked his own as she took a sip.

With a grin Carl took action, quickly getting out his cock before stepping forward and thrusting it between partially parted lips. He could almost hear her eyes roll as his balls connected with her chin, smirked as her pinned tongue fluttered against the underside of his length. He let Emily pull her head back, stopping her when just his penis’ tip was nestled in her mouth. She gurgled as he thrust again, looking down Carl could feel muscles shift as Emily's eyes flicked towards the book. Following her gaze, groaning as the woman gulped, he laughed slightly at the title at the top of the page.
"Blowjob techniques? You're a quick study." Emily tried speaking, little mumbles getting past the meat occupying her mouth, and Carl ran a hand through her hair, pulled until her nose was pressed against his lower stomach. "Hush now."

Emily relaxed, perhaps she thought Carl was hers, and closed her eyes, getting involved in the blowjob as an active participant. She bobbed along his cock as he held her head, ignoring everyone else as the cafe's patrons changed. Other men had entered, finding partners of their own, and the lone waitress was soon also in use by a seemingly unending queue. Emily was prolonging the blowjob, taking Carl to the edge before backing off, but he was becoming impatient. He turned rough, Emily gagged as he thrust into her throat, and took control, using her as just a toy for his pleasure. Drool ran down her chin, coated his balls, and her hands began hitting Carl's thighs as her lungs started to burn. He ignored her protests, tightened his grip, and found his gaze wandering, looking at the activity around him.

Another young woman was staring at him intently, Carl smirked upon seeing her flushed cheeks. With a wink he hilted himself in Emily's throat, feeling it pulse around his length. Having an audience emboldened the man and he ceased caring about Emily, too intrigued by the other woman. He could feel Emily struggle, feel her hands uselessly tugging on his wrists, but didn't care. The spasming of her throat muscles eventually took him over the edge, his onlooker's eyes widened when she realised he was cumming, and Emily was limp when he withdrew, faceplanting onto her books when he let her go.

Carl stepped away from the corpse, slick cock bouncing as he walked towards the young woman. Her gaze was locked on the meat, she actually licked her lips when Carl stopped, and she reluctantly looked up.
"Can I have a taste?"

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