"You'll have a week's supplies and a flier not at full battery charge. It's being prepared for you."
I was speechless as the Boss gave me the instructions. The identity of the city trying to destroy us had been discovered and I was to pose as a runaway so I could infiltrate it. The flier died in the middle of the wilderness, flat plains for as far as the eye should be able to see. I, however, could just make out a tower to the north and I began walking towards it, recalling the image of it I'd seen during my briefing.
The tower was called the Great Observatory, one of a handful of intercity projects, and visited by astronomers the world over. The closest city, and its sponsor, was Herodain, my destination. Five days into my march I noticed a flier arc up from the tower before racing towards me and I gradually shortened my pace until coming to a halt. The flier circled above me before descending, a short-bodied normal jumping out.
"Give you a lift lost one?"
I affected a weariness I didn't actually feel and shifted my pack as we returned to the flier. The normal turned out to be a senior member of the city watch and bought my cover story, expressing dismay over how my city is run.
I was taken directly to the central transit hub and dropped off there. All seemed so different, the buildings made of glass and steel rather than the polished stone I was used to and the citizenry were all roughly uniform in appearance. A helpful guide pointed out on a map the major points of interest, including tourist lodgings, and I swiftly made my way through the streets, heading for the seat of government. It was actually a plaza instead of the grand edifice I was expecting, the twelve-person group in charge sitting around a circular table atop a dais.
A sizeable crowd surrounded them, listening to the fiery debate their government was having, and I was soon able to identify political tribes. The steps up to the dais were all guarded by Eliminators, openly acknowledged as opposed to being mere rumour, and I fought to stay inconspicuous. The meeting though was abruptly ended when a councillor stood, pointing a finger at the others as her chair toppled over, and I paid keen interest, catching two lines in particular. The population must be controlled. Why not start with Jablonar? I felt a uncharacteristic surge of anger towards the councillor as I replayed her words in my head and glanced at the Eliminators nearest her, trying to identify her guardian.
A relatively small specimen was looking embarrassed as she watched the action on the dais and I carefully worked my way nearer, close enough that I could know her in other settings. The councillors were all dispersing, collecting their Eliminator and supporters once on ground level. I was convinced I had found the threat I was looking for, the one councillor making her opinions perfectly clear, and I threw caution to the winds as I tagged along behind her group.
Soon it was only just the councillor, her guard, and me, all ambling along a quaint path that wound its way into a collection of shallow hills. Each mound was topped by a sprawling villa, clearly the rich part of the city, and the councillor paused at a fork in the path, turning and waiting for me to approach.
"We don't just let anyone into this region, especially not foreigners. Why have you been following me?"
I glanced at the other Eliminator, gauging her readiness and finding her wanting, before quickly stepping in close to the councillor.
"Jablonar says hello."
Even as she was recoiling I shoved a hunting knife into her, the blade sinking between her breasts and into her heart. The Eliminator recovered swiftly, hauling me away from her charge with a tackle, but she wasn't expecting to be fighting one of her own kind.
I catapulted her over my head as I hit the path, the councillor only starting to fall. Springing onto my feet I span, kicking the Eliminator in the lower torso, and closed in, delivering rapid punches to her body until I felt ribs break. She staggered to her feet after what looked like a painful roll to temporary respite but she was unable to catch her breath, to maintain a consistent defence. Her end came when I drove a kneecap into her face, fatally rearranging her surgically-enhanced features, and I let her slump heavily to her knees, reaching forward to mercifully snap her neck.
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